Sunday 20 October 2013

Kona 2013 Race report


Pre Race Build up

This was my 4th time returning to the Big Island, and having experienced the conditions I adjusted training but more so my diet in the lead up to the race. I have being experimenting with my diet now for 3/4 seasons trying to find out what works best for me. This year I believe I have found what works! 

This year I arrived on the Island a little later than previous years, I love being in Kona but find because of the weather the place very draining, and in the last couple of years found myself ready to race 2-3 days out from race day. This year having got my slot in May I felt really fresh and strong. Training in the build up really could not have went better. My swimming although not really improved,I was swimming stronger. I was 4kg lighter than when I raced in TX with the same power output.. and my running had never being better. 

I arrived on Friday morning and found out there was a pre race swim practice on the saturday morning, the full IM distance on the course.. Although very tired I wanted to get the time in the water. BAD IDEA!! Right from the gun I was cramping really bad, I should have went with my gut feeling and stopped. But quitting is not in my nature, even if it was a practice! I made it to the half way point and had to stop. I held on to one of the safety boats and took on some water. I exited the water in 1.15 I think. The slow time did not annoy me, the fact that I cramped so bad was playing in my head big time. All I could think of was if this happened race day, I would be swum over and drown! Well I knew I would not drown, but you know what I mean! 

Normally when I arrive it takes a few days to get sleep and elevated HR under control, this year none of that. I was sleeping great, and right from the off bike and run were exactly were I wanted to be. I really could not wait for the race to start, and as the week progressed the cramping went away. I got some good swims in with Martin who was swimming great. I was able to stick with him and this was giving me good confidence as he swam a 1.04 in the practice swim. 

The days ticked off nicely, and the big day arrived... No! not the race... THE UNDERPANTS RUN!

This simply is mad, and a must do for anyone to do! I think it shows how fecking mental IM athletes are. The gun went and both Martin, Sarah and I took off at a break neck speed.. must have being at least 12min/m. Its just a bit of fun to take the seriousness out of what is ahead. Another important of the week is the parade of nations, All the Irish team assembled under the Irish flag and marched with extreme pride. There you had it, 9 Irish men on a small Island in the middle of the ocean all ready to race there hearts out, for themselves, Yes... But also for the pride of that flag! Well thats my take on it!

Race day approached very fast and it was time to check in bike and gear bags, Once that is done it amazes me how such a busy place goes quiet, All athletes just return to were ever they are staying and start the usual pre race worry... "did i train enough"  " i am too fat"   "look at him he looks to fast"  "look what he is doing.. i should do that" All the mental thoughts of the day go racing through your mind. This I believe is were in IM racing the weak minded are found out, and 9 times out of 10 they are.
Race morning came and I woke feeling very good. A full 6/7 hrs sleep, no trouble getting breakfast in! Ash even made the commented to me how relaxed I was.. Ash dropped me off and it was of to body marking, This bit I love as you see it on Tv so many times, and for me it is the only time I say " Yes i have made it" I love this bit of the morning.. I think if anybody lit a match the bloody place would explode.. A big bowl of Excitement and fear being mixed all ready to by released by the big bang of that cannon! 
I got into the water with about 7min to go, my plan was to swim hard at the start and get away with the 1.02-5 swimmers that my ability allowed! The water for a change was calm..BOOM the cannon went. Off I went swimming my little heart out, Oh that must have lasted all of 1min before I got my goggles pulled of.. I was swimming blind and thinking, "jesus am I ever gona get a break in this swim" I tried to fix them a couple of times, not wanting to stop as I would just get trampled! 
Eventually I rolled onto my back, adjusted them and continued, straight away I got a lovely kick this time squisshing the googles.. Again stopping to adjust! All of this probably happened in a 1 min period, but felt forever. After that the swim went pretty well, I found some feet and just sat there.. I knew I was in my comfort zone, but as usual in the swim i was happy to just sit there. I said before the race I would be happy with a 1.10 swim and thats what I did. Exiting the water, unlike other years when i was knackered, i felt good.. another indication of how easy i swam! but still happy and in a very positive frame of mind. T1 was the usual free for all, I took my time to get proper clothing on for sun protection and then out on the bike.

I had three sets of power numbers for the bike.. The 1st set for the out and back section were it is really easy to get carried away and push numbers that is simply not sustainable, the 2nd set were for the run outbound on the QK up to Hawi, and the 3rd for my return back to T2. .The 1st section went great, getting passed by all the heros, all the guys who think they are going to win the race in the first 10 mile. Up Palini and onto the QK..It was fast.. super fast with a tailwind! This is were I passed all those heros! i settled and just rode to my numbers, at times i found i hard to keep the power up as the tailwind was strong and i was spinning out. But all was going good! The climb up to Hawi is a very important part of the race, get this wrong and it will be a long.. or longer day for you. I was flying up it waiting for the famous headwind to kick in.. Mid way up is were I got my first sight of the pro men coming down, Its just a class feeling to see this sight! The one thing I noticed was that they did not look to be going at the same break neck speed as in previous years. In fact some seemed to be swinging out of the bike! I turned in Hawi a found out why.. A complete reversal of the winds.. Shite I though..head wind the whole way home.. This is were i thought that if i had got my power judgment correct out bound i should make up some ground.. It was a fair push going down, but i felt good. Once down and back onto the QK for the final 45 mile push back to town I passed a group ( working well together) cheating f****rs I though.. No sooner had I passed them they re passed me.. I re passed them, but it took some effort.. They came round again.. As indivudals I was riding stronger than them, as a pack they were stronger.. I made the decision just to sit back, and worked out that even though I would probaly loose a bit of time sitting there, it was not worth the risk of blowing up making a massive effort to go clear. My numbers started to drop, as did HR.. again an indication of how although not sitting with them, how much gain the cheats get by working together. Thankfully after a while the motorbike creeped up, and to see them all spread out made my blood boil! There little race back was broken up, and as expected when they had to ride alone they were shite and I passed them all! It was hot..And as I approached the airport with about 10 mile to go i kept looking over at the mountains to see if any cloud was rolling in to offer some protection on the run. And it look like it was coming:)
Overall i was very happy with my bike as I managed to negitive split ( only slightly) the return leg of the bike, which indicated to me i biked smart.. Into T2 I felt good, alot better than other years, and in a very positive frame of mind! 

Before I came to Kona i'd got an e mail from liam Dolan telling me to leave it all out on the course, and not run the run in my comfort zone which I always do.. He only backed up what I had planned to do anyway! As I said earlier, my running had being going excellent, and my plan pre race with the ability I felt I had was a 2.50/5 run.. I looked at the race clock leaving T2 and this would have given me a 9.05/10 overall time. The 1st mile is always very quick in Kona thanks to a bit of downhill section, I went through in 6.15pace.. Then seemed to settle at 6.30/40 pace.. I honestly knew i couldnt hold that, but like I said i was willing to gamble and blow! Everything continued great down and back Alii.. When I got to Palani thats were I started to feel it.. oh boy did I feel it! I still ran up it, and normally in other years when i got onto to QK I was happy, simply because its lonesome out there, no crowds, just you alone in a world of pain. This year was different.. As soon as I got up onto the QK the realization of how far i still had to run hit me... Thats when the wee man on the shoulder appeared.. "just quit Owen"  Its to far"   Just walk"  " This is to hard"  Like I said at the start If you are not mentally strong coming to this race, just stay at home! I stuggled on at a slower pace, but still running.. It just seemed so bloody far.. I never thought I would get to the energy lab.. Great I thought, what a better way to cap the day off while suffering than a nice wee 4 mile run in and out of an oven.. thankfully the cloud I wished for came, and although still hot, the searing heat of the sun was not there! Going into the lab I was in a very low place.. but every cloud! There ahead in the middle of the lava fields in the middle of nowhere.. Two Irish flags blowing side by side all on there own! If that doesnt give you a lift nothing ever will... Una had done her job well.. I am sure this sight gave us all a lift at what is surly the hardest and most lonely part of the day.. I also caught a glimpse of Matt.. This also gave me a lift to see a friendly face.. And at the same time I was thinking.." Feck that he is to far ahead to catch:)" I was happy to get in and out without any drama, only suffering! Back out onto the QK and only 6mile to go.. Normally this is were I am strongest, but not today..I was in survival mode.. But so was everyone else around me! At 4 mile to go this is were family can get onto the course..and low and behold there my lovely wife was waiting.. roaring and shouting her little heart out.. telling me to keep her lit.." your looking good honey" "not far now babe" All the encouragement of the day.. I couldnt even muster a smile.. And she took advantage of this knowing I couldnt shout back at her! I wanted her to leave me alone, but at the same time i was glad she was there. At around 24 mile I heard someone behind shouting for an Ivan...I knew only one Ivan and was happy that maybe I would have someone to run with for the last couple of mile.. and maybe jolt me into some kind of action.. It was Ivan, but sadly for me he passed me like i was standing still.. I tried to go with him, but no joy! It was a pleasure to see him run so strong so late in the day.. Ivan turned out to be one of the very few AGers to run sub 3! Fair play to him.

The last 2 mile of the run is 1 mile up, and mostly one mile down.. At mile 25 I walked for the first time.. but was quickly reminded.. to as she put it.. and in the process scaring the crap of those around me" Dont you F****ing walk, its ony a mile to go"  This jolted me back into action and I finished the rest strong. My plan at the start of the day was to celebrate the finish chute.. But all I wanted was to cross that line.. I did! And I was spent.. And also achieving my target which was anything sub 9.30... I also was pleased to know I gave it my all..I had nothing in the tank at the end... I gambled, It didnt turn out like I had planned..But knowing i tried gave me great reason to be happy!!
I felt very sick for a while afterwards, but came round pretty quick. I met up with Martin and David Condon who was the fastest Irishman on the day, and the war stories were told.. I love this bit, simply because although we racing solo, we all raced under the Irish flag..and in my opinion done it very proud on the world stage!

Overall I am delighted with my performance, A PB is a PB no matter what way you look at it,  In the build up to this race I learned a huge amount about what I need to do to improve.. I have once and for all found a diet/nutrition plan that will get me in the best possible shape.. I also have identified what needs to be worked on to get me to the finish line quicker. I have always said you should learn something new about yourself in every race.. I will continue to do this! 

I have thoughts and plans for my future, but for the min I will keep them to myself.. As for Kona I do plan to try and get back, its not easy and I will not take it for granted.. but one big driving factor will be on the Kona count now its 2-2 between myself and Martin.. And we both while over a few beers after the race agreed that if we both get there next year...its rumble in the jungle time ( or lave fields) The grand finale for us both! 

What bigger incentive do i need:) 


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