Tuesday 25 November 2014



So....Home I came from Kona, after a week of no training it was Monday morning again and the 5.30am alarm went off. Time to hit the pool again! nothing like a 6k swim to kick start the body back into training. The only problem was getting out of bed that morning was a struggle.. Normally I am awake before the alarm goes of. My body whilst not fully recovered from Kona was feeling ok, My mind was the opposite. Although I was in for AZ I still had not fully made my mind up to travel. Still the disappointment of Kona lingered in my mind. I did go to the pool, and continued as if I was going to race. But to be honest I was just looking any excuse to just not go. I was tired..grumpy (always am) and motivation to put my body and mind through the IM ordeal was zero. 

On one of the mornings I got up to bike it was cold, dark and raining.. Sitting in my back kitchen feeling sorry for  myself I made my mind up I was not going. Ash walked in and asked what I was doing..I replied "I am not going to AZ" "I couldn't be bothered" Her reply was "By F**k your going, now get out that door and HTFU"  She hit me with a few facts..How I was as fit and strong as I had ever being.. How she never seen me train so hard. And was I going to let something I could do nothing about in Kona ruin my whole years training! 

Mission AZ was on! And after chatting with Alan, who deals only in facts, he reminded me that although I was not at pre Kona numbers there would still not be many Age groupers that could match me. And I still had 3 more weeks of training to improve on my fitness. 

I left for AZ on the Monday before the race.. As I knew ash would be glued to the laptop race day my last words to her leaving the house was.. " No matter what you see on the screen race day..no this! I will be giving it my absolute best from start to end.. Not one negative thought will cross my mind..no matter what happens" 

Got to AZ with no drama, and was delighted with the weather.. My swimming was going good and out on the bike course my numbers looked very good indeed.. Running just may have being a bit down but not very much. I think on my second to last run whilst doing some efforts I was hitting pace but felt heavy doing it.. Then on the last 2 something just clicked.. All off a sudden my legs felt light and I was running with ease..It just felt like the rubber band that was holding me back snapped and I was running free again... From that second I knew I was good to go! 

The night before the race I was nervous..but in very good spirits.. My brother sent me a video of my nephew and niece wishing me good luck... Great I thought..This is the ammunition I need.. And even though what was a very quite hotel all week.. A wedding changed that.. Even the noise didn't bother me.. I was in a very good mental place.. ( Still crapping myself though) I woke up 3.15am and spoke to Ash on the phone quickly.. I reminded her of my promise.. And she wished me luck! just as I was walking out the door she sent me a photo of Her and Emma.. This did make me a bit teary but again it was another positive mental image! I was ready:)

As I waited for the shuttle down to T1 I noticed something that was not present all week... The trees at the front of the hotel were blowing... Then I knew it would be a windy one.. Not like all week when wind was very calm.. Actually before I seen the trees blowing and judging by what I was doing during the week on the bike I was confident of biking 4.35 or below.. Again this was not bothering me as it would be windy for everyone.. Into T1 to get everything ready and the usual butterflies started, and the usual self doubt.. The only difference this time round I was very aware of my promise to Ash..and myself. All was good and I just wanted in the water.. 


The swim entrance is pretty narrow here and there was also 400m or so to swim to the start line.. As discussed with Alan I positioned myself dead centre and at the very front.. Last year I went far left and got pummelled. When the cannon went it was a relief.. I took of not at max effort but seemed to be pretty much out front.. Jesus I was thinking whats happening here! I am actually still at the front.. At that point as I breathe to my left I could see the wolf pack coming... Ah bolix I thought! This is normally the point I back of.. try and let the what I assume is the faster swimmers round.. Try and get on their feet..but this never works! I always let them swim over me and in turn get stuck behind slower swimmers... Today I decided just to hold on for another min or so..And then see where I was.. Good choice! For they didn't come round and my decision paid off as it was the most clear an clean swim I can remember.. I swam side by side with some guy for the entire swim.. I felt comfortable and was happy to see 1.01 on my watch when I stood up.. 

T2 went well and I was out on the bike in no time.. Right from the off the wind was up, my thoughts of a fast bike split were dashed..but again this didn't bother me as it was windy for everyone not just me.. I was very aware that I needed to be mindful and not go to hard to soon.. HR was a tad high but so was power.. I was doing all the passing as usual until 4 or 5 guys passed me some of which were in my AG.. I jumped and went with them, but looking at my power and only judging what they were pushing I didn't think it wise to continue so let them go.. steadied my HR and Pw and settled into a nice pace. And just as I thought as I started to climb the beeline for the first time I passed all of them:) For those who don't know the Bee line is the main climb on a very flat course..It is 10-11 mile long and whilst not very steep, its enough to soften your legs... Especially when you've 26 mile to run after it.. And with the strong head wind that was present today the race would be won by the smartest athlete.. The nice thing about the wind was that coming back down it was 40mph job.. There is nothing nicer than hearing the roar of a disc and 808 to raise your spirits.. ( Sad I Know) 1st lap I rode mostly on my own..at the beginning of the 2nd a guy passed me and I thought it wise to go with him.. He looked strong but judging by the size of his legs I knew he was only a biker! I have done all the reading and research about riding draft LEGAL! and the energy and watts than can be saved is a lot.. Even though I felt I was riding slower than i would be had I went it alone.. I knew I was making the right choice.. At the start of the 3rd lap i had a wheel sucker on me.. That I couldn't stand for and gave it some extra gas.. I got rid of the wheel sucker but also my big legged buddy.. I was very aware of the increasing wind and did ease of for the final lap.. HR came down and from then on I was in get ready for the run mode.. Even though I eased of..no one was coming round me! It was pretty hectic for the last time going up the climb as people were all over the shop with the wind.. People bumping into each other and some getting blown of by the wind.. Just stay safe were my thoughts.... Although I didn't find the bike easy.. Those mental images in my head of the video of the kids..and the pic of Ash and Emma made it easy riding... I was loving it!! One thing that did surprise me was the amount of fluid I was going through..I didn't find it that hot..but was going through the same amount as I did in kona.. between Energy drink and water I took on 11 bottles!! On top of that gels and those lovely mini snickers bars.. Again I was happy because when you are fit to take all this on with no trouble things are generally going well.. I can tell you though when I was approaching the dismount line i was happy to be getting out of that bloody wind.. Into T2 and it was just me in the tent.. Nice feeling that.. Although I had no idea where I was position wise i knew I  could not be doing that bad. I was just wishing I was like others who had there team mates out on the bike course giving them splits.. That way i would know where I was:) ( Isn't that right)

Out onto the run and feeling real good.. I thought getting of the bike my battle with the wind was over.. Nope! A strong head wind out bound but in all fairness my mind was in a good place.. and i didn't care. I had a plan and I was sticking to it.. The first 2 people I passed were a male and female pro.. I was running strong but it was still very early in the run.. At about 2-3 mile into the run I noticed the "TEAM" standing with laptops..i pads..i phones every gadget under the sun.. taking splits and passing them on.. I actually thought that would make me mad..but it had the opposite effect.. Now I don't know if they were giving splits again me but in my opinion its a solo race and that's the way it should be. Enough about that anyway..

I completed the first lap and my plan was to up the pace.. just like i planned to do the previous year! Last year when I tried I just didn't have it in the legs.. Today I did! I didn't run that much faster..but I was still running faster.. At mile 14 I think I was running behind a guy with 40-44 on his leg.. At this stage the run course was getting pretty full And I was not to sure if he was only starting his 1st lap..or if he was actually ahead of me. ( See theres the advantage of getting splits) Either way I was running faster and when I passed he said good job.."you are now in 1st" Two things crossed my mind.. One was " Ah bolix now I have got to keep running" 2nd was " How the feck did he know that" Or how did he know me!  So either way I was 1st in my AG or 1st AGer overall.. That meant Kona ticket was in my hands..And no way on earth was I letting it slip! The 2nd loop was going pretty quickly and bar me completely blowing up all would be good.. I eased up a bit with about 5mile to go as just to be sure the unthinkable did not happen.. My plan was to run sub 3 which was on plan.. but that changed to just get the job done..and save something in the tank in case someone got a late burst of energy.. Again it was not until after the race I realised I had a 12min cushion over 2nd place so I could have went for the sub 3.. ( Wish I had someone giving me splits) But it didn't matter I reached my goal and could not have being happier.. Job done ! KONABABY2015

That's my season over...done and dusted! Alan agreed to give me some time off which I am grabbing with both hands.. I owe that guy so much this year. It was my first year working with him and I am super excited about next year already.. Thank you Coach!

But special thanks must go to my wife.. The woman that steadies the ship when the waters get rough.. And believe me, living and putting up with me the waters get rough pretty often! THANK YOU HONEY xxx

I have nothing planned yet for next year apart from Kona so far, I will chat with Alan and together we will come up with the master plan:) But one thing for sure is I will race more.. For next year I am trying to get some sponsors on board.. Any one that can point me in the right direction please do. Also in the not so distant future I have some more exciting news, which I am looking forward to announcing.. but more about that later... Until then my friends its over and out from me..thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings:)


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